Touq Property Services

Unlocking the Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to Selling Your Home in Abu Dhabi with Touq Property Services

In the vibrant real estate landscape of Abu Dhabi, selling your home requires more than just listing it on the market. It demands strategic planning, meticulous execution, and access to exceptional real estate services. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of selling your home in Abu Dhabi, leveraging the expertise of Touq Property Services and their innovative Touq App.

In the dynamic landscape of the UAE real estate market, one name stands out for its commitment to excellence and innovation – Touq Property Services. As a leading player in the industry, Touq has redefined the standards of real estate management, offering a comprehensive suite of services that cater to the diverse needs of property owners, investors, and tenants.

Ownership and Title Deed Terms

Freehold – Full ownership rights of the property and land in perpetuity. UAE nationals can purchase freehold anywhere. Expatriates can acquire freehold rights only in designated zones.

Leasehold – Time-bound ownership for a fixed period, typically 99 years renewable. Given to foreigners in areas where freehold is restricted.

Title Deed – Legal document conferring ownership of real estate to the buyer; specifies rights.

SPA – Sales and purchase agreement outlining commercial terms between seller and buyer.

Escrow Account – Third party account where buyer payments are held until completion milestones are met, especially for ‘off plan’ purchases.

Property Type Terminology

Villa – Standalone single dwelling unit, often 2+ storeys with gardens. Very popular with families in the UAE.

Apartment – Multilevel residential units within high-rise tower blocks. Standard UAE housing option.

Townhouse – Compact 2-3 storey semi-detached house as part of larger community. Share walls with adjacent units.

Majlis – Traditional Arabic formal seating area for guests, considered status symbol. Found in premium villas.

Investment Terms

Capital Appreciation – Increase in property value over time. Prime driver of ROI.

Rental Yield – Annual rent earned as a percentage of property value. Major income component.

Off Plan – Purchasing property during under construction phase based on plans.

Subsale – Buying a property from its existing owner rather than developer.

Flip – Quickly reselling a property for profit without occupancy.

Industry Jargon

Oqood – Interim real estate registration document while awaiting Title Deed issuance.

Dewa – Dubai Electricity and Water Authority; provider of utilities services.

Tawtheeq – Title Deed registration and issuance process with Land Department.

Service Fees – Annual charges paid by owner to community manager for maintenance/services.

Ejari – Official tenancy registration of rental agreement with authorities for visa purposes.

Final Takeaways

Learning common property and investment terminology will help buyers understand the UAE market better and communicate effectively with brokers and advisors. Partnering with an established consultant like Touq Properties also helps navigate the nuances seamlessly.

While the jargon may seem complex initially, the UAE offers very clear and rewarding real estate investment opportunities for foreigners who do proper research.

The app is available for both Android and iOS platforms. Touq app was born from the idea of creating a carefree real estate world with no restrictions on property owners, where the owners and tenants benefits from fair pricing and an open platform for growth. The system has been designed to create trust between owners and tenants in real estate transactions. The system will provide a layer of protection to both property owner and tenant when evicting the other.  Touq makes it possible for Property owners and tenants to save time and money. From listing to marketing to analytics, Touq makes it possible for agents to save time and money. You can try it now.

تطبيق طوق هو منصة عقارية جديدة عبر الإنترنت تقدم خدمات عقارية شاملة.

بداية من الإعلان عن الوحدات من خلال أصحاب العقارات مباشراً إلى التسويق حتى التحليلات و الحصول على المستأجرين المحتملين. يحتوي تطبيق طوق على كل شيء. يمكنك جعل قائمة منزلك المجانية كمالك للعقار والحصول على عملاء محتملين بجودة عالية في هاتفك ؛ يمكن لأصحاب العقارات بسهولة إدارة منازلهم وقوائمهم وجهات الاتصال الخاصة بهم باستخدام تطبيق طوق. التطبيق متاح لكل من منصات الروبوت ودائرة الرقابة الداخلية. ولد تطبيق طوق من فكرة خلق عالم عقاري خال من الهموم مع عدم وجود قيود على مالكي العقارات ، حيث يستفيد الملاك والمستأجرون من التسعير العادل ومنصة مفتوحة للنمو. تم تصميم النظام لخلق الثقة بين المالكين والمستأجرين في المعاملات العقارية. سيوفر النظام طبقة من الحماية لكل من المالك والمستأجر. طوق يجعل من الممكن لأصحاب العقارات والمستأجرين لتوفير الوقت والمال. يمكنك أن تجرب ذلك الآن.

Contact US

800-TOUQ (8687)

Email Address: [email protected]

International No.: +971(800) 8687

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